When you chose a KK structure,

 4. Decide who the directors are to be. 


A Stock Company must have one or more directors.

It is not a requirement for directors to be Japanese nationals.


When you chose a GK structure, 


In a Limited Liability Company, each member executes the business of the company.

In cases where there are two or more members, it is determined by a majority of the members.


In cases where members who execute the business are provided for in the articles of incorporation, if there are two or more members who execute the business, the business of the company is determined by a majority of the members who execute the operations. 


 For reservations, inquiries, and cost estimates, please contact us.↓

TEL/FAX 022-707-0881



所在地 :仙台市青葉区旭ケ丘3丁目6番12号 フォレスト旭ヶ丘208

Office: #208 Forest-Asahigaoka 3-6-12 Asahigaoka Aobaku Sendai 


最寄駅:地下鉄南北線 旭ケ丘駅   徒歩6分

            仙台市バス  旭ケ丘3丁目 徒歩1分

Nearest subway station: Asahigaoka (550M)