6. Prepare Articles of Incorporation

This is a written record of the rules governing the running of the company agreed by all initial shareholders (incorporators)/members.


You can either:

• use standard articles prepared by the Ministry of Justice or Japan National Notaries Association


• write your own 



• ask a shiho-shoshi lawyer (solicitor) 


 For reservations, inquiries, and cost estimates, please contact us.↓

TEL/FAX 022-707-0881



所在地 :仙台市青葉区旭ケ丘3丁目6番12号 フォレスト旭ヶ丘208

Office: #208 Forest-Asahigaoka 3-6-12 Asahigaoka Aobaku Sendai 


最寄駅:地下鉄南北線 旭ケ丘駅   徒歩6分

            仙台市バス  旭ケ丘3丁目 徒歩1分

Nearest subway station: Asahigaoka (550M)