


What is Shihoshoshi, a legal scrivener?


A Shihoshoshi , or legal scrivener, is a nationally licensed legal professional who performs a variety of non-litigation legal tasks. This includes handling the registration of real estate transactions—such as buying, selling, gifting, and inheriting properties, including akiyas. We also manage commercial registration duties, which cover the formation of companies, changes in corporate leadership, and the dissolution of companies. Additionally, we can serve as Seinenkoukenin , legal guardians for individuals deemed by the family court to be mentally incapable of managing their financial affairs.


To confirm the credentials of a legal scrivener or to lodge a complaint, one should contact the prefectural association with which they are registered, as all legal scriveners are required to register with their local association.


 For reservations, inquiries, and cost estimates, please contact us.↓

TEL/FAX 022-707-0881



所在地 :仙台市青葉区旭ケ丘3丁目6番12号 フォレスト旭ヶ丘208

Office: #208 Forest-Asahigaoka 3-6-12 Asahigaoka Aobaku Sendai 


最寄駅:地下鉄南北線 旭ケ丘駅   徒歩6分

            仙台市バス  旭ケ丘3丁目 徒歩1分

Nearest subway station: Asahigaoka (550M)