司法書士 真野美沙子

Misako Mano

Legal scrivener/Shihoshoshi




 "Providing a safe and comfortable environment in which clients can feel free to consult with us. This has been our unchanging philosophy since the time we started our practice. Since opening in 2008, we have learned so much from our clients in all walks of life. We believe that the expertise gained from our 16 years of practice will serve our clients well."




*We, legal scriveners must verify the identity of our clients as mandated by the Law for Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds. As such, we cannot accept requests from clients who cannot provide valid identification or who refuse to meet us.     We ask for your understanding in this matter.



 1984年 宮城県仙台市生

 2007年 東北大学法学部卒業

 2008年 司法書士登録(~2019)司法書士事務所勤務

 2019年 オリーブ司法書士事務所開設










   TOEIC L&R Score  920



   2019年11月3日 宮城県司法書士会終活・相続セミナー

   2021年2月28日 日本赤十字社・宮城県司法書士会 相続・遺贈Webセミナー

   2024年11月16日 大郷町空き家セミナー






Background: Tohoku University (Bachelor of Law) (2007)

Licensed in 2007

Minister of Justice Certification No. 837001


17 years' experience in the areas of

・Real estate & Commercial registration


Adult Guardianship 


Professional associations:

 ・Myagi Shihoshoshi association No.590

 ・Adult Guardianship Center Legal Support

 ・International Shihoshoshi Association


Languages:Japanese (Native)/English (CEFR C1)



 For reservations, inquiries, and cost estimates, please contact us.↓

TEL/FAX 022-707-0881



所在地 :仙台市青葉区旭ケ丘3丁目6番12号 フォレスト旭ヶ丘208

Office: #208 Forest-Asahigaoka 3-6-12 Asahigaoka Aobaku Sendai 


最寄駅:地下鉄南北線 旭ケ丘駅   徒歩6分

            仙台市バス  旭ケ丘3丁目 徒歩1分

Nearest subway station: Asahigaoka (550M)